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Made in the U. Permission d20 modern pdf download free to photocopy for personal use only. Heroic Surge. Improved Initiative. Iron Will. Lightning Reflexes. Armor Proficiency medium. Low Profile. Armor Proficiency heavy. Medical Expert. P ersonal Firearms Proficiency. Advanced Firearms Proficiency. Improved Knockout Punch. P oint Blank Shot. Improved Feint, d20 modern pdf download free. Pow er Attack. Great Cleave. Improved Combat Martial Arts. Advanced Combat Martial Arts. Quick Draw.

Quick Reload. Simple Weapons Proficiency. C ombat Throw. Improved Combat Throw. Tr ack. T rustworthy. Tw o-Weapon Fighting.

Spring Attack. Improved Two-Weapon Fighting. Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting. V ehicle Expert. Dead Aim. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different skill, type of equipment, or weapon type.

Its effects stack. To further enhance your modern gaming experi- ence, here are a few extras you can use in your D From vehicles to spells to new rules, this web enhancement gives you a wide r ange of more great material to drop into the game. D20 modern pdf download free Charles Ryan. This layout intentionally begins on page 2. There is no page 1. In Chapter 4 you can choose from a wide range of equipment.

Here are a few additional items you can add to your game as well. Heavy Weapons. RPG This Russian-made rocket-propelled grenade is common throughout the third world. When the RPG-7 round hits its target, it explodes like a grenade or other explosive, dealing 6d6 points of damage to all creatures within a foot radius Reflex save DC 16 for half damage. Because its explosive features a shaped charge designed to penetrate the armor of military vehicles, the RPG-7 ignores up to 10 points of hardness if it strikes a vehicle, building, or object.

However, this only applies to the target struck, d20 modern pdf download free, not to other objects within the burst radius. The RPG-7 has a minimum range of 30 feet. If fired against a target closer than 30 feet away, it does not arm and will not explode. This weapon requires the Exotic Firearms Proficiency rocket launchers feat.

Ammunition Type Quantity. Purchase DC. RPG-7 4. Claymore Mine: This weapon is an anti-personnel explo- sive that uses a shaped charge to launch hundreds of pieces. When the claymore is set off, the brunt of its force explodes outward in a cone just like a cone-shaped FX effect; see Chapter Creatures and objects within the c one take 6d6 points of damage; those within the burst r adius but not within the cone take 2d6 points of damage.

Reflex save for d20 modern pdf download free in both cases. The user aims the clay- more setting the direction of the cone while placing it. Claymores come with disposable wired detonators, but can be used with other types of detonators as well.

The purchase DC given is for a bandolier containing two claymores and detonators. Flash-Bang Grenade: A flash-bang grenade is a non- lethal device that uses a bright flash and loud report to dis- able victims within its burst radius.

All creatures within the burst radius must succeed d20 modern pdf download free a Fortitude save DC 16 or become dazed can take no actions for 1d6 rounds.

The purchase DC given in the table below is for a box of six grenades. Surveillance Gear. C oncealable Camera: This tiny camera is about the size.

It has a fixed focus, meaning that it can only. It requires special film. C oncealable Microphone: This tiny device is about the size of two stacked dimes. It picks up sounds up to 10 feet away and transmits them by radio with a range of feet. A professional walkie-talkie programmed to its frequency can pick up the signal.

C oncealable Video Camera: About 2 inches long and half that in diameter, this tiny camera can be used with or without a snake-eye lens below. Unlike a portable video camera, this concealable unit does not have a viewfinder or any d20 modern pdf download free of recording its images. Instead, it passes images on to whatever device it is connected to a television mon- itor or recording unit. Connecting the concealable video camera to a recording or monitoring device requires a Craft electronics check DC Explosives Detector: About the size of a large mega- phone, this device sniffs out nitrogen compounds—the basis for all common explosives.

Using this device, a person can make a Listen check as though he was standing just inside the window, d20 modern pdf download free.

It is only useful for eavesdropping on indoor conversations from without, and vacuum-sealed double-paned glass defeats it. It gives the device the darkvision capa- bilities of night vision goggles. Par abolic Microphone: Looking like a hand-held trans- parent satellite dish 10 inches across, this device focuses in on sound sources. When directed at a particular source of sound such as two people having a conversationit reduces the Listen check penalty from —1 for every 10 feet to —1 for every feet.

It works only if it has an unobstructed line of sight to the source of the sound. Snake-Eye Lens: This device has a tiny lens—about a quarter-inch across—on the end of a flexible inch-long wa nd. The other end adapts to a 35mm camera, digital camera, or portable video camera.

The lens can be poked around corners, under doors, or through holes, or it can be hidden in a vent, emergency sprinkler, or similar innocuous architectural feature.

Tr ansistor Detector: This device, about the size of a walkie-talkie, detects bugs and taps that contain radio transmitters, d20 modern pdf download free, whether or not the transmitters are function- ing at the time. We apon. Burst Radius. Reflex DC. Range Increment, d20 modern pdf download free. Claymore Mine. Flash-Bang Grenade. See the weapon description. C oncealable camera. C oncealable microphone. C oncealable video camera.

Explosives detector. Laser microphone. Night-vision imager. Par abolic microphone.

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System Mastery 12 - D20 Modern

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D20 modern pdf download free

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Free Download D20 Modern Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook Book Read online D20 Modern Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook book that writen by Stan! in English d20 Modern version of the core rules is designed for use with the WOTC d20 Modern Roleplaying Core Rulebook,. there is a free alternate core rulebook. D20 - Free download Ebook, Handbook, Textbook, User Guide PDF files on the internet quickly and easily. Modern System Reference Document. 2. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS d20 + Modifiers vs. Target Number The Modifiers and Target Number are determined by the type of task. If the result of the d20 roll + the Modifiers equals or exceeds the Target Number, the test is successful. Any other result is a.

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