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Paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download

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Lessons in Kriya Yoga

Complete Kriya Yoga teachings and Kriya Yoga initiation is available for free download by BitTorrent and converted for convenient offline reading. The complete Kriya Yoga teachings from the Cyberspace Ashram - - has now been converted into an easy to use free offline version "Spiritual Treasures - Final Edition. Paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download The Lessons were compiled under Paramahansa Yoganandas direction from his writings. After a preliminary period of study and practice of the basic techniques, students are eligible to apply for initiation in Kriya Yoga. Download blogger.comed lectures of Paramahansa Yogananda, founder of Self. Self-Realization Fellowship teachings. The Science of Kriya yoga T he quickest and most effective approach to the goal of Yoga employs those methods of medi tation that deal directly with energy and con sciousness. It is this direct approach that characterizes Kriya Yoga, the particular system of meditation taught by Paramahansa Yogananda.

paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download

Paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download

He met his great guru, Babaji, near Ranikhet in the Himalayas, and was initiated by him into Kriya Yoga. This auspicious event did not happen to Lahiri Mahasaya alone; it was a fortunate moment for all the human race. As the Ganges came from heaven to earth, in the Puranic story, offering a divine draught to the parched devotee Bhagirath, so in the celestial river of Kriya Yoga began to flow from the secret fastnesses of the Himalayas into the dusty haunts of men.

Unknown to society in general, a great spiritual renaissance started in in a remote corner of Banaras. As the fragrance of flowers cannot be suppressed, so Lahiri Mahasaya, quietly living as an ideal householder, could not hide his innate glory.

His uniqueness as a prophet lies in his practical stress on a definite method, Kriya, opening for the first time the doors of paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download freedom to all men. Apart from the miracles of his own life, surely the Yogavatar reached the zenith of all wonders in reducing the ancient complexities of yoga to an effective simplicity within the ordinary grasp.

Through use of the Kriya key, persons who cannot bring themselves to believe in the divinity of any man will behold at last the full divinity of their own selves. Instruction in the actual techniques of Kriya Yoga is given to students of the Yogoda Satsanga Lessons who fulfil the requirements of certain preliminary spiritual disciplines. Handed down in this way in orderly succession, the Rajarishis royal rishis knew it.

But, O Scorcher of Foes Arjuna! Ascension follows in reverse the exact course of descension. In man, that course is the inner highway to the Infinite, the only route to divine union for followers of all religions in all ages. By whatever bypath of beliefs or practices a being reaches that singular highway, the final ascension from body consciousness to Spirit is the same for everyone: the withdrawal of life and consciousness from the senses upward through the gates of light in the subtle cerebrospinal centres, dissolving the consciousness of matter into life force, life force into mind, mind into soul, and soul into Spirit.

The method of ascension is Raja Yoga, the eternal science that has been integral in creation from its inception. During the descent of man from a Spiritual Age to a Material Age, the knowledge of the science of yoga declines and is forgotten It is through the instance and blessings of Mahavatar Babaji whom I ever perceive as one with Krishna in Spirit and of Christ and my Guru and Paramguru that I was sent to the West and undertook the task of founding Yogoda Satsanga Society of India to serve as the instrumentality for the preservation and dissemination worldwide of the Kriya Yoga science.

Babaji is ever in communion with Christ; together they send out vibrations of redemption and have planned the spiritual technique of salvation for this age. The Bhagavad Gita is India's most beloved scripture of yoga, the science of divine communion — and a timeless prescription for happiness and balanced success in everyday life.

Truth is no theory, no speculative system of philosophy. Truth is exact correspondence with Reality. For man, truth is unshakable knowledge of his real nature, his Self as soul. In the end all speculations about the ultimate secrets of God and creation are profitless. The stark fact is always with us: man is here and now undergoing the painful tests of human incarnation.

Just as prisoners plot ceaselessly to regain their freedom, so the wise among men endeavour to escape the confinement of mortality. Kriya Yoga not only points out a universal highway of ascending the soul to the Spirit, but gives mankind a daily usable technique through whose practice the devotee, with the help of a guru, may reenter the kingdom of God.

One theoretical teaching leads only to another, but any true practitioner of Kriya Yoga finds it to be the shortest way and quickest conveyance to the kingdom of Spirit.

Even an atheist paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download deny the ever-increasing joy that springs from the regular practice of Kriya. As an educator, I tried this method on sceptical students in my school, and found them converted, not by my words, but by the constantly exhilarating results ensuing from its regular practice. Religion in its theoretical form is only partially satisfying, never fully convincing. One cannot reach this goal just by mental meditation. The life force is the link between matter and Spirit.

Flowing outward it reveals the spuriously alluring world of the senses; reversed inward it pulls the consciousness to the eternally satisfying bliss of God. Two men were meditating in different rooms, each of which contained a telephone. The telephone rang in each room. This man may be compared to a jnana yogi who tries to meditate on God, ignoring the unceasing telephonic messages of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch, as well as the outward pulls of the life force.

The second man in our illustration had no illusions about his power to ignore the rude clamour of the telephone.

He prudently withdrew the electrical plug and disconnected the instrument. He may be compared to the Kriya Yogi who prevents any sensory distractions during meditation by disconnecting the life force from the senses; he then reverses its flow, toward higher centres.

The meditating devotee sits between these two worlds, striving to enter the kingdom of God, but kept engaged in battling the senses. He enters the natural inner calm realm of the soul and Spirit. Withdrawing mind and life force from the sensory and motor nerves, the yogi leads them through paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download spine into the brain into eternal light.

Here the mind and life become united with the eternal wisdom of Spirit manifested in the cerebrum, paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download. The centre of consciousness for the average individual is his body and the outer world.

The yogi changes his centre of consciousness by nonattachment to the body and to worldly hopes and fears. The yogi who can change his centre of consciousness from the sentient body to the cerebral throne of Spirit ultimately centralizes his consciousness on omnipresence.

He attains the Eternal Wisdom. The aftereffects of Kriya bring with them the utmost peace and bliss. The joy that comes with Kriya is greater than the joys of all pleasurable physical sensations put together. Engaged in divine union of the soul with Paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download, he attains bliss indestructible. I met a very wealthy man in New York. I can teach you how to be perpetually interested in being ever newly happy.

He became my student. By practicing Kriya Yoga, and by leading a balanced life, ever inwardly devoted to God, he lived to a ripe old age, always bubbling with ever new happiness. The science of Kriya Yoga first became known to a world audience with the publication of Paramahansa Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi in In the book, he related the following conversation he had with his Guru years earlier:.

The great master lived his sublime life in partial seclusion, and steadfastly refused to permit his followers to build any organization around his teachings. He made, paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download, nevertheless, a significant prediction. The message of yoga will encircle the globe.

It will aid in establishing the brotherhood of man: a unity based on humanity's direct perception of the One Father. Fifty years after Lahiri Mahasaya's passing in culminated inthe year of completion of this present book.

All thoughtful minds turn as never before to the urgent problems of peace and brotherhood Ever new joy is evidence of His existence, convincing to our very atoms. Also, paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download, in meditation one finds His instant guidance, His adequate response to every difficulty.

If a devotee meditates intensely for at least short periods every day, and has longer periods of three or four hours of deep meditation once or twice a week, he will find his intuition becoming sufficiently superfine to realize unendingly the dialogue of blissful wisdom exchanged between the soul and God. The life of an advanced Kriya Yogi is influenced, not paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download effects of past actions, but solely by directions from the soul.

Suppose you are a financial failure or a moral failure or a spiritual failure. Hold on to that ideal. Meditate until you feel a great joy. When joy strikes your heart, God has answered your broadcast to Him; He is responding to your prayers and positive thinking. This is a distinct and definite method:.

I command Thy power within me to cauterize my brain cells of wrong habits and past seed tendencies. Rid yourself of the limiting consciousness that you are a man or a woman; know that you are the child of God. Lord, burn them up in Thy divine light. In India, a man who had a bad temper came to me. He was a specialist in slapping his bosses when he lost his temper, paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download, so he also lost one job after another. He would become so uncontrollably irate that he would throw at whoever bothered him anything that was handy.

He asked me for help. While I am counting, I am blind with rage for having to wait so long. And one day your temper tantrums will be gone. I am so thankful, paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download. I decided to test him.

I arranged for some boys to pick a quarrel with him. I hid myself in the park along the route where he used to pass regularly, so that I could observe. He kept his calmness. By communing with God you change your status from a mortal being to paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download immortal being.

When you do this, all bonds that limit you will be broken. This is a very great law to remember. As soon as your attention is focused, the Power of all powers will come, and with that you can achieve spiritual, mental, and material success. The greatest love you can experience is in communion with God in meditation.

The love between the soul and Spirit is the perfect love, the love you are all seeking If you meditate deeply, a love will come over you such as no human tongue can describe, and you will be able to give that pure love to others When you experience that divine love, you will see no difference between flower and beast, between one human being and another.

You will commune with all nature, and you will love equally all mankind. Cessation of fear comes with the contact of God, nothing else. Why wait? Through Yoga you can have that communion with Him When you find God, what assurance and fearlessness you will have! Then nothing else matters at all, nothing can ever make you afraid, paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download.

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, time: 16:35

Paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download

paramahansa yogananda kriya yoga lessons pdf download

Paramahansa Yogananda: free download. Ebooks library. On-line books store on Z-Library | B–OK. Download books for free. view pdf in a browser and download history correction" in our blog. Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons - Kriya Yoga - with bookmarks. Self-Realization Fellowship. Paramahansa Yogananda devoted a chapter in his Autobiography of a Yogi to "The Science of Kriya Yoga." In God Talks With Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita, his commentaries on chapter IV, verses 1–2, 7–8, and 28–29, and chapter V, verses 27–28, give an advanced description of the yoga principles involved. T he Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons are unique among Paramahansa Yogananda’s published writings in that they give his step-by-step instructions in the yoga techniques of meditation, concentration, and energization that he taught, including Kriya Yoga.. The goal of these simple yet highly effective yoga techniques is to teach you to deal directly with energy and consciousness enabling.

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